The plastic cribbage pegs I ordered Monday didn't come today. This will matter on Saturday.
The estimated arrival on Amazon was today through Tuesday, and they had to arrive today to work out for me, so admittedly, I spun the wheel on this one. But it's easy to ship a 4-ounce packet, I figured; they will handle this.
Then the order status stayed on "preparing" for two and a half days. Then they bumped the arrival date to next Thursday.
Sometimes I sell things on Amazon in the "used - like new" section, and I'm always proud of how fast I get those things in the mail. I act like I have to operate under the Prime directive and get it to the customer in two days (three, anyway). It's fun. "This total stranger is going to be so impressed," I think. I genuinely think that.
It might be a defect.
But it's a defect everyone should have. You are defective if you don't have this defect. Amazon vendor calling yourself "Family Board Games," you are hereby on notice. Blog notice. One star. Would not airbnb again.
Faithful blog reader, in the comments section below, leave the tale of your own negative experience with Family Board Games. Together we will send them a message.
I'll explain why I needed cribbage pegs later. Nothing to do with cribbage.