I promised to complain in detail if the printer rejected the cover a second time, which they did. However, they turned around the third time within hours and got it right, so let's not complain.

I didn't order the proof copy, I just approved it based on a digital proof, so hopefully that does not bite me in the ass.

I haven't been promoting it at all because I want the print version to be orderable before I do.  I think that happens in the next 48 hours.  And meanwhile I've been prepping materials to display it at a convention in San Francisco this weekend, called Kubla Con.  A friend of mine, Jason Lioi, owns a company called Dapper Devil that has a table there, and he offered me some space on his table.  So we're going to find out how much appeal paranormal romance has to Kubla Conners. 

I figure tons because everyone who's anyone likes paranormal romance.  Updates to come...