This blog fell into neglect while I went all in finishing up volume 2 of the vampire book. It was already in decent shape, because we've been working on it for more than a year, but there was a lot of sanding and polishing. It came out pretty good, I think? You be the judge. (You will have to buy it to be the judge.) Anyway, there will be a real book inside the cover jpg that is currently pre-orderable at Amazon.
I am still drinking tea in the morning instead of coffee. I feel ashamed of this. As if a crucial part of my identity has been lost through weakness.
I keep telling myself that England conquered a whole planet on tea. Jefferson and Washington led a whole revolution to keep tea affordable. And there are so many different tea varieties. Also -- and this helps me a lot in accepting tea -- I still drink coffee at night. I feel like I am healthier? I am not. I haven't gone for any more acupuncture, as it was the acupuncturist who initially banned me from coffee.
I will try to be a less neglectful contributor around here and also have posts that are not just about how deeply steeped in coffee my sense of self is.